
SREA is committed to constant improvement of product quality and service that released to the community, we ask you to evaluate your level of satisfaction regarding the statistical information produced by SREA as well as the portal content and usability. Your answer is confidential and will allow us to implement actions that improve the quality of the products and services that we provide.

Users' satisfaction survey

Using the scale below, tell us what your level of satisfaction concerning the following aspects of the SREA's Portal:

Totally dissatisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedSatisfiedVery satisfiedTotally satisfiedNo opinion

Using the same scale, showing us what is your level of satisfaction concerning the following aspects related to the produced statistical information:

Totally dissatisfiedSomewhat dissatisfiedSatisfiedVery satisfiedTotally satisfiedNo opinion
captcha code

Please write here the letters and numbers you see in the picture above.